This is a do-it-yourself Friends miniature apartment dollhouse kit. If you’re still undecided whether to splurge this holiday season and buy this kit for yourself or as a gift you can checkout my short review below on what to expect on this miniature kit.

What’s Inside the Miniature Friends Apartment Kit?
The kit includes:
- LED Light (AAA battery not included yet)
- All figures found in the pictures
- Dust cover (I was happy this is already included in the kit)
- Scissors, glue, knife and other materials
Product details:
- Finished product dimension: 24.6 x 24.6 x 13 cm
- Net weight: 1.5 kg
Product materials:
- Wood, fabric, paper, plastic, metal

First of all, there’s a free key chain included on the kit which was a nice surprise! It’s not mention in the product description so I’m not sure if all kits will have this.
The provided glue was more than enough to assemble the entire miniature as you can see from the image above there’s still a lot of glue left after completing the kit.
How much is it?
The kit cost P2,800 PHP or around $60 USD. If you buy it on Shopee app you can get a 100 pesos discount from LilHaven shop.

Where to buy the miniature kit?
You can buy it from LilHaven Miniature. They are based in Philippines but they can ship worldwide. You can check out their online shop .

How difficult is it to assemble?
According to their website difficulty level is 4 out of 5. It’s perfect for ages 14 years old and above.
This is my second time assembling a DIY miniature kit. The first one was a tiny tin can doll house which was a small dollhouse. I feel like since I am so familiar with Monica’s apartment this was a bit easier to build. It took me a week to complete the kit.
Mistakes to avoid while making this kit? (and a few tricks)
Learn from my own mistakes and read some of other tips to make your DIY activity a more enjoyable.
BONUS Printables you can add on your Friends miniature Apartment kit.
If you want to level up a bit your own Monica’s NY Apartment, I shared a printable cut outs you can add to make your miniature similar to the TV show. If you end up using this printable please tag me on instagram @joyincrafting

What to expect when you buy this kit?

It does not come with a smelly cat.

This was the satisfying part, when all the walls are up and you can finally move in! I mean furnish the apartment.

Note that on the image above I missed adding the carpets, good thing I haven’t glued down all the furniture just yet.

The most annoying items to assemble were the coffee maker, pans, and throw pillows.

Cutting out the tiny grocery items were tedious work but kind of relaxing. The key is to not rush making this.

It would be a good idea to read and re-read the manual a few times before diving into the craft so you get to familiarize yourself with all the materials and the process on building the kit.

Shout out to plantitos and plantitas out there.

Assembling the furniture was the easy part for sure. The solvent glue dries pretty quickly so you don’t really need to hold it in place for very long time.

Building this reminds me of building LEGO kits. One great strategy is to separate ahead each parts before you start gluing them together to avoid confusion and mistakes.
How to install the LED Lights?

Instructions on how to install the lights are included in the manual. All the LED wires will go through the balcony part of the miniature.

You need to peel the skin of each wires and connect it according to the manual. It’s a good idea to test one LED lights to see how it works.

The AAA battery is not included in the kit, but you can always use your TV’s remote controller batteries.

Once you have completed the kit and you still have some beads left, you can add them to the door. It’s not included in the instructional manual but I think it’s supposed to be there. Don’t you think?
Should you buy this?
If you’ve watched Friends and remember most of the lines in that show you ought to buy this kit or ask a friend to gift it to you this holiday.