I hope you’ll find this printable Philippine Play Money useful especially in teaching kids about the value of money.
If you like to make your own activity sheets for kids you can use the Canva app that’s how I made these printable play money.
Use this for personal or educational purposes only.
Printable Philippine Play Money

New 1000 bill Philippines 2022 (Now included on the PDF printable file below)

I added a short introduction to the basic parts of the Philippine Peso Bill on the PDF file.

You can print it in small sizes to save paper and printer ink.

Or you can print in a large size so the detailed text on each play money is easily readable.

I also added the names of the portrait for each bill since I remember back in school we were required to memorize those as well.

Download the printable play money below:
Thanks, my younger sister will find this helpful! I like how it’s like a template too, very neat, and like if one really wanted to, they can put their faces there for fun.
Yes, if you open the template in Canva, you can edit it to whatever you’d like to – including adding your own faces 🙂
Can I have the link po so I can edit it? Superb love it <3
Hi Siey, this is the canva template you can customize you own design – https://www.canva.com/design/DAFinl8sjiA/KN2ChkVxYuEfwyJWfVxPrQ/view?utm_content=DAFinl8sjiA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview
Thank you sis for this template, we appreciate your amazing work on this play money.
This is a BIG help for my son’s project.
Thank you very much Ma’am! I will use it in my class as a reward during recitations or presentations . 🙂
Welcome po 🙂
hii is this free to use or i have to pay to use it?
Hi Mae, It’s free to use for non-commercial purposes.
Thanks for this we will use it to our play pretend cafe 🙂
thank you so much! you saved me
Thank you so much Mam for this template. Very helpful
Hi Carla, Checkout this youtube tutorial on how to add a different photo on play money – https://youtu.be/xY7j6qg3lhs
I wonder if you also have a template for the back part
Its Good To Edit In Canva! Super Good ????????????
Its Good To Edit In Canva! Super Good ????????????
Thank you! Very useful! I edited the ones in Canva, tuwang tuwa anak ko 🙂