What kind of paper to use in printing your tickets?
I recommend this White Cardstock Paper from Amazon.
- Total 25 Sheets, each measuring 8.5 x 11 inches and 230gsm/80lb.
- Matte finishes on both sides. It’s not glossy.
Optional, you can laminate your tickets using this cold lamination sheet.

Taylor Swift The Eras Tour Ticket
Use Canva to edit the template here.

You can customize the images for each box and edit the text on Canva.
Tag me on IG @joyincrafting or leave a comment below if you ever use this design. Happy Crafting!
Hi there!
What’s the main font? I loaded you temple to Canva but it doesn’t show font type.
You need to upload the image from – https://fontmeme.com/the-eras-tour-font/
Hi i uploaded pdf to Canva but can’t able to edit it
Hi Taher, This is the direct link to edit the canva template – https://www.canva.com/design/DAFkrS7x6mA/EmrF_S-c2yOHy1bdMGWdXw/view?utm_content=DAFkrS7x6mA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview
Thanks for sharing the Taylor Swift ticket! I made them for my daughters for Christmas to commemorate the shows they got to go to & the one upcoming in Ireland!
Merry Christmas!!!
Thanks very much, this was perfect for a birthday souvenir ticket!
This is awesome! Thanks so much for creating and sharing.
Thanks for sharing
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sadly the canva link doesn’t seem to be working anymore… could you please post it again? 🙂
sorry, could you please update the link? it’s not working anymore
Hi! It’s fixed – canva link – https://www.canva.com/design/DAFkrS7x6mA/W9Dvp0c4fJhFTaQEu4O-aA/view?utm_content=DAFkrS7x6mA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview
thank you so much! 🙂
Is the Eras Tour ticket no longer available in Canva ? I used it a few months ago, but now it seems like url is broken.
There was an issue with the link not being in public settings. It’s fixed now, here’s a direct link to the Canva Template – https://www.canva.com/design/DAFkrS7x6mA/W9Dvp0c4fJhFTaQEu4O-aA/view?utm_content=DAFkrS7x6mA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview
Thank you so much!
I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it I have traced it and used it for shrinky dinks, but I don’t get how to upload it?