Materials you will need to make a cloverleaf card:
- Card stock paper
- A dull object to score the paper (ie. no ink pen, dotting tool, ruler, bone cutter)
- Scissor, cutter or exacto knife
- Ruler
- Printer (Download the free template here)
- If you don’t have a printer, you will need pencil, eraser and any round object with 6cm diameter in size.

Step by step instruction on how to make Clover Leaf Card
Start with a 13cm x 13cm card stock paper.

Score and fold the paper like in the image below.

Fold the paper in 1/4 and cut a curve line.

Follow the sizing for the envelope.

Glue down on both sides the cut out clover leaf on the envelope.

You can also download a ready to print template of clover leaf card below.