I made a PJ Masks coloring page activity for kids. You can cut out the template and turn it into a mask.
To use it as a face mask, you can print it on an A4 or short bond paper or even thicker paper like a folder for a sturdier mask. Cut out the template including the eye hole and punch hole on both sides to add a rubber band for the ear loop.
Materials you’ll need:
- Letter size or A4 paper
- Printer
- Coloring Materials like watercolor, crayons, or poster paint
- Scissors
- Rubber bands
Owlette – PJ Masks Coloring Page
Transform into your favorite PJ Masks hero with the PJ Masks Owlette

CatBoy Mask Coloring Page
Turn into your favorite PJ Masks hero with the PJ Masks Catboy

Gekko Muscle Mask Coloring Page
Turn into your favorite PJ Masks hero with the PJ Masks Gekko

Add a punch hole on each side of the mask.

Use a rubber band to make an ear loop for the mask.
Cut the eye hole as well.
You can use watercolor to fill colors to the mask.
Or use crayons to fill in the mask and let the kids create their own style.

Download this printable mask coloring page below.